Sunday, September 4, 2011


La cultura paracas o cultura de Paracas es una cultura arqueológica del Antiguo Perú originada a finales del periodo formativo superior, alrededor del 500 a. C. alrededor de la península de Paracas. La península en cuestión se sitúa entre los ríos Ica y Piscoen el actual departamento de Ica. Desde aquel punto de partida, los paracas lograron dominar aproximadamente desde el rio Cañete, al Norte hasta Yauca, al Sur, teniendo como centro a la ciudad de Ica.
Las deformaciones craneanas se realizaron para colocar un llauyo, y regir las clases sociales.

(KV 55 Wiki ref.) is now said to be Akenaten -
based on DNA testing which indicated he was was the son of Amenhotep III and the father of Tutankhamun, and that his `age-at-death' was consistent with Akenaten's estimated demise.

c-scan comparison of his skull (top two), from KV 55, compared with Tutankhamun's (bottom two).
Images - Zahi Hawass et al

Queen Nefertiti

UNDATED: In this handout photo from the Discovery Channel, the X-ray skull of a mummy believed to be Nefertiti is shown. Facial reconstruction experts used this and other X-rays to create a three-dimensional digital skull of the mummy, which, along with additional scientific methods eventually became the digital face. The Discovery Channel announced June 2003 the possible discovery by Egyptologist Dr. Joann Fletcher of the long-lost co-regent of Pharaoh Akhenaten from the late XVII dynasty, about 3,000 years ago. As part of the cable network's new initiative Discovery Channel Quest, Fletcher and a team of experts used state of the art digital technology to reconstruct the mummy's face. (Photo by Discovery Channel/Getty Images) Discovery Channel

The intentional skull deformation was prevalent in different cultures all around the world. Some did intentionally manipulate the skulls for cosmetic reasons, some for religious reasons and some to elevate their status in their communities.
Here are some examples.

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